Edinburgh - A revival

Publié le par TinkerDel

If I had to sum up my week end in a  sentence, I would say: I don't regret anything:

For the shows that I saw,
For the memories that have flooded my mind
For the chats with my friends, that I had missed for so long,
For the view, on Arthur's Seat, from the Meadows
For the discoveries, culturally, culinari, that I have made
For  the people, that I have met
For the artists that were there, invading Royal Mile, entertaining people as troubadours would have done in the Middle Age
For Bruntsfield, that I had missed.

All that made my week end extraordinary. A long break, in a life full of questions; A feeling, that here I belonged.

Edinburgh, you are known for being haunted.
Haunted, I
don't know. But, for surek there is something magical about you.

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