Jet set life or Japanese like trip?

Publié le par TinkerDel

Easter week-end felt like a long and nice trip throughout Europe.
Yesterday only was a good summary of what it's been like:
- breakfast on my terrace in Nice
- lunch on a terrace facing the museum Pompidou in Paris, eating a nice French "galette" in the sun
- tea in front of Strassburg central Station
- evening in Munich, back home.

Yep, that sounds either like a total jet set like way of life, provided that I kept my sunglasses all way long. Or you may either say that I visited France on a Japanese tempo. Both sound so close to reality.
Moreover, I spent one afternoon in Paris only, but found time to go from Hotel de Ville, pass Notre Dame, shopping in Saint Michel, up to Luxembourg, and back to Hotel de Ville to see the exhibition about "Le Petit Nicolas".. And there was still some time remaining to visit the grand parents,
Same in Nice. Saturday afternoon, I have focused on Nice: a nice walk through Veixu Nice, Cours saleya, over the Promenade des Anglais, then Place Masséna and avenue Jean Medecin. some shopping stops, and so on.
An Sunday was even better! After having wandered a little bit in the woods behind the house, and contemplating the breathtaking landscape, time for family and food. And then ,between 4 p.m. and 10 p.m, we had time to walk through Villefranche, pass by Saint Jean Cap Ferrat, and then Monaco, with a nice walk in the old town and then around the Casino on the hill opposite, to watch Ferraris and Lamborghinis, and have a nice drink at sunset in the Farimont Hotel with a view on Monte Carlo's beach,,
In a word, I had the taste of Paris, Nice and Monaco I needed to feel totally content. And far from being tired, I feel juste full of souvenirs, as had this week end been one week long.
Was amazing, and far better than spending Easter alone, which was what was threatening me not so long ago.. :-)

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eh ben on croyait que tu avais oublié ton blog! je vois que l'oeuf de Paques niçois a tenu ses promesses comme d'hab!biz
<br /> Et non, je suis revenu!<br /> Oeuf de Pâques en direct de chez Florian.. Très bon.. Et même le gigot est passé..<br /> Mais c'eut été encore mieux si tu avais pu etre là..<br /> Bizzzzz <br /> <br /> <br />