A Cinderella Story - John Neumeier

Publié le par TinkerDel

On Monday, I introduced friends to Ballet. A Cinderella Story, based on the story of Cinderella; on the music of Prokoviev, choreographed by John Neumeier in 1992. I did not konw this production, and as always was a bit concerned my friends would not like their first ballet.. But in the end, although this was not the easy and accessible production I had imagined it to be, they liked it :) I found it OK. More not.

John Neumeier settles the story around 1960 in a normal household. The whole story is around the death of the mother, and the new wedding of the father. It does not have the magical dimension that is to be found in the fairy tale. Therefore, it is a bit hard to totally get into the story. Moreover, Neumeier chose to limit the number of dancers, making it a quite intimist ballet, which I found a bit insufficient when you compare it with big productions, especially this by Nureev for the Paris Opera Ballet. 

From the choreographical point of view, I found it a bit too much in between ballet and more contemporary moves. Especially the portés where not so esthetical.. I so much prefer Neumeier's Lady of the Camellias. This was totally esthetical.

The dancers were good, as always, althoug one of the sisters was not so convinving.. Well I'm being very demanding anyway.

I nevertheless e,joyed discovering this work I did not know, and the most important is that my friends like it! 

Publié dans Dance

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