America votes for the future of the world

Publié le par TinkerDel

Dawn on Europe. But across the Atlantic, one of the most important day for the US is still going on.. People are voting to elect the next President of the United States. And the choice of this nation, of every one and each people of this country will have a huge impact on the world.

In a way, America is taking today the responsibility for the future of the world. Because depending on who they will choose, many things will follow. China may or not emerge as the next superpower, the finance crisis may or not worsen, war in Irak may or not end up. In a word, in a world, the geo-political shape of the world depend on the vote.

I don't know whether the US citizens really realize that they are voting for more than a man... 

Publié dans News of the world

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Nice comment. I think the american citizens in fact have realized the importance of the moment and of their vote.They know the image of the United States has been badly bruised by a war with no clear objective and by a financial crisis that stemmed from irresponsible acts of the financial community.By their vote they have shown that they ready to change.