Cuvilliers Theater - the pearl of Barocco theatres

Publié le par TinkerDel

In June 2008, the Cuvillier Theater, which is part of the Palace "Reisdenz" in München, which served as the seat of government and residence of the Bavarian dukes, electors and kings from 1508 to 1918, reopened after having been renovated. 
It is said to be the most beautilful barocco opera house in Europe. No wonders I wanted to go there.

Indeed, this theatre is a little jewel. A small, "à l'italienne" theatre. All red and gold. Like in Paris, like in Venice.And since it's all brand new, it all shines!
Attending a performance ther emust be a very special experience, I guess you must fell like you're back one or two centuries ago. It is particularly adapted for chamber music or Mozart opers like Idomeneo (with lots of recitatives). You could not programm big productions there however. Which does not matter, because Munich has a big opera house.

If you have even only 10 minutes and you don't know where to go, it's really worth it. 

Publié dans Munich spots

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