Tennis with carpet

Publié le par TinkerDel

What a pleasure to be back to tennis.. After all those years.. All the more when you have drunk some wine just before, it's even more fun!

Yesterday, mission commando. Find a tennis court indoor, because if you  ever dream of playing outside, just keep dreaming.. Rain is there anyway.

Found only one after very deep investigations.. And with a quite unusual floor in.. carpet.. YEah, it's true. A nice, green, grass like carpet.. Which was a bit confusing in the beginning, but fun n the end.
Well of course, I had forgotten to bring my shoes, 'cause otherwise it would have been less fun.. :-)
Tool some time to find the right move again, but once it was there, what a fun we had! I wish i could do that more than once every other year...

Pfff.. Too much sport. Now my arm hurts!!

Publié dans Daily Life

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