We did it!!

Publié le par TinkerDel

We now belong to the close cirle that got in the P1.. It was not easy, but, thanks to the amazing negocitation power of Abdel, and to our low-cut dresses, we did it.. :-)
Was not so great in the end. Pretentious people, not caring at all, arrogant, shamelessly pushing you, a filthy floor, full of glass and liquid, and the worst DJ ever..  The whole lot smelling like money, money, and money again.; Well, ok, for teh guys, was a total pleasure for the eyes. Paris Hiltons everywhere around.. But for us? Well;, no.
And they just keep up their reputatino making people wait in front of the entrance.. Marketingly, well done. But for the rest....

Publié dans Munich spots

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Low-cut dresses, a must-have ;-)