The Edinburgh Fringe Festival

Publié le par TinkerDel

You don't know it??
I suppose for those of you who have never heard of it, you know the Festival d'Avignon. Well, the Fringe is exactly the same thing, expect that it takes place in Edinburgh. There is a in festival and a on festival.. Everywhere in Edinburh.  A mix of music; theater, dance, circus, any kind of perfrorming arts. Professionals and non-profis. Whatever your taste, you will find something. And, as an artist, it's an incredible opportunity to grow in the artistic world.

It's huge, it's famous, you cannot miss it. and it's... right now.
You can find all infos here, so that you can speak about it during you r next cdiner with clients. They are gonna be impressed!  Just have a look, trust me, it's worth it. LOL

Since I've lived in Edinburgh 3 years ago, I've never managed to attend it. 4cause I was busy, flights were too expensive.. 3 years I'm waiting for that and for visiting my beloved flatmate.. It's litterealy a must see. I'm tempted to escape over August;15th. Very tempted.

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t'as qu'à succomber à la temptation......
<br /> j'y pense, j'y pense...<br /> <br /> <br />