BMW Museum: the empire for cars

Publié le par TinkerDel

Fabric car prototype

The BMW museum, called BMW Welt (namely "the BMW world") has reopened in June 2008. A brand new space all dedicated to the empire of BMW, right in the headquarters of the company founded in 1917.

5000 sqm filled with cars, motos, prototypes.

The architecture of the musem alone is worth a visit. All round, with a very well structured path, where you go down to the most valuable cars, before going up again, following a snail-like upgoing path, reminding me of the Bundestag, which shows even more rareties.

From the sound and lighting design of the place to the path, everything has been thought about. A lounge music, varying light intensity, projections on the wands. It is utterly a modern place. 

High technology is also to be found there. Touch screens everywhere, books taht are being read according to the page you're on. All is very impressive.

And, of course, the cars and motos. Old new, rare. even James Bond's cars :-)

And the most impressive one, in the temporary exhibition, this made out of textile. Yep, fabric.. Not a joke!

A worth seeing museum in the end. Not boring even for those who are not caroholic!

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