
Publié le par TinkerDel

I've recently decided to get more involved on Twitter (recently... Ok that was yesterday!)
Still haven't really understood what the point of the whole stuff, but if I know, I'll let you know. Why would I tell people I don't know that I am currently brushing my teeth, watching tv, or drinking baileys (yep, I'm drinking baileys right now.. So good. Mabe it helps me prepare my presentation for in two days time)
Anyway, back to Twitter. Seems that I'm not the only one having an account but not really knowing what to do with it. The Twitter's firm value has been growing for months and years, the firm was almost bought by  FB, this was the newcomers on the market, until they recently stopped valuing the firm on the number and evolution of members (recently.. a bit more than 2 days this time :-)) Now they are considering active users, that is, if I don't mistake, people posting on Twitter at least once a month, and the value of the firm has strongly dropped. Surpinsigly. And even despite that considering the service offered by Twitter, that is instant status posting, the fact of posting  something once a month does not really makes u an active user..
Anyway, I'm working in online marketing, Web 2.0, so investigating on the benefits of Twitter belongs to my job! :-)

Oh, I forgot.. If you want to follow me: Tinkerdel that's me :-)

Publié dans Thoughts

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non j y suis pas et j ai pas vraiment l intention de m y mettre. je ne vois pas l interet de dire heure par heure ce que je fais, surtout que ja i pas de connexion mobile. :o)mais 4 amis c est mieux qu aucun
Alors comment va twitter apres 1 semaine ? abandon, tu continues a l utiliser?
<br /> j'ai posté deux posts... mais apparemment tu peux aussi envoyer des messages à des gens en particulier??? Tu y es pas par hasard?? Parce que 4 amis, c'est peu....<br /> <br /> <br />