Maurice Béjart - 1 year already

Publié le par TinkerDel

November 22d 2008, lunch time. A phone call. Maurice Béjart passed away. 

1 year has gone. Already. So fast. The Bejart Ballet is now managed by Gill Roman. And goes on touring. The Paris Opera is preparing a tribute show. 

But he, is not there anymore. He, who revolutionned dance, and made it accessible to everyone. He, who mixed all kind of arts in his shows, from dance to theatre, music, philosphy, and so on. He, who created world hits, like Bolero, Sacre du Printemps, Firebird, Messe pour un Temps présent. He, who was so demanding, but so human at the same time. 

He, who gave me the passion for dance when I saw the rehearsal of Messe pour le Temps Présent. He, whom I met. He. Dance misses him.

Thank you, Bim..

Publié dans Dance

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