I have the most amazing friends

Publié le par TinkerDel

Yes, I fo.d
I was already blessed to have seen you all on Saturday, in Paris. So long no see.. It was just such a pleasure to see what you have become.
And a bigger surprise was waiting for me back in Munich. The most caring girl had orgnised like a "surprise party" for my return. First time this ever happened to me. And it was just so incredible to see people who had accspted to give some time to see you. It's just great, and there is no way you can  tell what it is like to me. I was tired, I was worried because of my flat (another long story, that I might tell you some time), but this just warmed up my heart. So I'm back in Munich, and not wanting to leave for now :-)
Thank you Céline, thank you all.

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les amis , c'est aussi important que la famille, c'est juste l'autre partie de la vie; et quand ils sont présents et attentifs,... alors la vie est belle et les tracas deviennent moins importants.profite bien des uns et des autres et gros bisous