Jobless, Homeless :-)

Publié le par TinkerDel

That's what my life look like at the moment. I think this is a very good way to sell myself, isn't it?? And yet. Am I scared? NO. Just a little bit stressed. And I find this period of my lofe particularly onteresting to watch. how feelings evolve in myself, how I handle with the situation..
But I have to confess how lucky I am. I know I have this rare chance not to have to worry because, whatever happens, people are there to support me.
My friends have proved it already.. They were all ready to host me for a few days while I have to move out of the flat. My family is there too, whatever happens.
So I know this is a little bit unfair that I am so lucky, but this is gonna help me grow up a little bit more. Having to count on myself only to go on with my life, but being assured that I won't be let aside.. Thank you all, and hopefully I'll have some other news soon :-) 

Publié dans Thoughts

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