Back on the track...

Publié le par TinkerDel

My two weeks holidays are gone, so am I back in Munich, at work... Although in my head, I'm still a little bit on holidays. And I hope my tan is gonna last as long as possible...
Well, I'm slowly getting back to normal life, although what does it mean, since I was pinitially to sstay 5 months in Munich only, and whouldn't have been beck. So those 5 months have not really been like normal life, ... I thus have decided to try and adapt a bit more. I want to do many more cultural stuffs, find a balance between parties and day life..
It's started well so far! On Tuesday, we went to the open air cinema, where they were screening "99F". In German... .-)
And I'm having a healthy life: Swimming pool on Wednesday, ballet today... I should go on this way..
And, ah, yeah, I have to find a job, too... Cross the fingers for me, I'm on sthg... It would be huge if it works, back in the world of dance, in my world :-)

Just a word to finish on the film 99F..
I have not read the book, but suppose it's better than the film. It was interesting though, giving a critical point of view of the world of advertising. 500 Billions euros spent each year. Makes you think, doesn't it? Is that worth it to spend billions trying to sell you a yogourth pot that you wil pay 2€? wouldn't it be betterto spend less for advertising, and to sell it 1,80€?? And spend the money to try and mqke the world better? I know, I'm being totally idealistic, but we must be when we are faced to the truth of advertising. This reminds me of a comment I made on this blog earlier: what's the point in developping websites for L'Oréal??
And when you see the mentality and the way of working of the guys in agency, it's just non sense. I would call it modern exploitation hidden in faked coolness. Without drugs, how could they stand the stress, the working hours? Well, the film must be a bit exagerated, but this world is unsane. When I hear what happens in my own agency in Paris, I'm wondering if i really belong to this. Poeple smoking and smoking and smoking. workng till 1 in the morning... For what? for advertising..

Nevertheless, a special mention for Jean Dujardin, very convincing as the cynical guy...

Publié dans Thoughts

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Advertising may have a lot of drawbacks, but it is always better than totalitarian societies where everything is gray and the only posters you see are the ones featuring the dictator in place. There is in fact a relationship between advertising and freedom of expression.Biz
you're right, the book is much better than the film and the whole is very exagerated. Dujardin is very good actor yet, as usual ... anyway, ads are useful in some way and also bring some fun sometimes... biz...