Tribute to Cyd Charisse

Publié le par Delfine

Cyd Charisse was 86. And she was one of the greatest dancers of the 20iest century to appear on the
She was revealed to the audience thanks to this masterpiece called "Singin' in the rain" in 1952, where she had the greatest honour to become and stay the partner of Gene Kelly. And when you know how demanding Gene Kelly was during rehearsals and during the filming, starting the pieces again and again until everything was utterly perfect, you may imagine what it means to be and stay the partner of such a man.
Not only was she the partner of Gene Kelly, she also appeared beside Fred Astaire in diverse productions.
A ballet dancer, she prefered the cameras to the stages, and surely contributed in making ballet and dance in general more popular, at a time (50s) when ballet was still mainly considered as the entertainment in opera productions.
She contributed to modernise the image of ballet dance, such as Claude Bessy did at the same time, and Maurice Bejart was about to do a few years later.
Cyd Charisse received in 2000 the prestigious Nijinsky Award for her career, and, in 2006, the American National Medal of  Arts.
On June, 18th, 2008, she was gone. A great lady that we should not forget.


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et elle a commencé à danser aux ballets russes de MonteCarlo , avec Nijinska, Fokine...etc !<br /> une grande dame de la danse c'est vrai... même si chez nous la comédie musicale n'est pas vraiment considérée à sa juste valeur. Mais cela va changer, c'est sûr<br /> bisous